Here we are at the middle of the year! And we’re left asking ourselves “What were my New Year’s Resolutions for work this year?”
We all start the year with great intentions. It has happened to the best of us, we all have projects and changes that we’re planning to do, but we get busy and then don’t quite make it back to the work table. This weekend is as good a time as any to take a moment to relax, recharge and take stock of where you’re at. Here are five steps to help you kick start your projects:
Be clear in what you want to do – What will the end product, object, or position look like? Imagine yourself with the end result. What are the key attributes?
Set yourself a time line – Be realistic! Don’t kid yourself about dates, don’t be too optimistic or overly pessimistic. Most of all, be honest about when you think you can do this by. This will set you up from the beginning in delivering your project successfully.
Plan the work that needs to be completed and break it into small manageable chunks – When starting out, always plan the next small task. As you have more time you can plan more than one task ahead, but in the beginning stick with one task at a time. This will enable you to see progress.
Set aside time that you need to do this work, and stick to it! – Ask yourself: how much time do you need to spend on this per day, week or month? Lock it into your diary and don’t cancel it! Try hard to avoid making changes, but if necessary, reschedule the activity in your diary for as soon as possible.
Review your progress regularly – Sit down and look at the project. Think about what you’ve achieved. Think about what is coming up. Ask the questions: am I still on track? Has anything changed? Do I need to refocus my activities?
I’d like to leave you with one thought: Don’t leave it up to fate, take control today!